white-box testing

美 [waɪt bɑːks ˈtestɪŋ]英 [waɪt bɒks ˈtestɪŋ]
  • 网络白盒测试;黑盒测试;白箱测试;白盒测试方法;白盒测试法
white-box testingwhite-box testing
  1. Research and implement of method for source code variation and management on white-box testing


  2. Fault seeding approach used in evaluation of white-box testing technique


  3. The Design and Realization of the Information Extracting Module for White-box Testing


  4. A Method System of Organizing and Managing the White-box Testing Project for Large-scale Application


  5. Research and implementation of white-box testing framework for object-oriented program


  6. The Methods and Practice of Software White-box Testing


  7. The most basal white-box testing & check the code rules .


  8. Can a software tester perform white-box testing on a specification ?


  9. Multiple white-box testing method and bug graphical statistic mode are raised as new theories .


  10. In white-box testing , the test engineer has access to the internal data structures and algorithms .


  11. In White-box testing , vulnerabilities pages are analyzed and bugs fixed .


  12. In software testing researching section , the paper issues on White-box testing method and Black-box testing technology and contrasts them .


  13. Detailed introduction of black-box testing method and white-box testing method is introduced in the following section of this chapter . 3 .


  14. Furthermore , the conception is clarified from the white-box testing method based on procedure tree , and traditional white-box testing method .


  15. The first two chapters systematically introduce the basic knowledge of software testing , focusing on black box testing and white-box testing methods explained .


  16. Finally , it uses the mothod of white-box testing and black box testing to complete the testing of the information publishing system .


  17. This paper introduces the methods , tools and practice of software white-box testing , including software static analysis , coverage testing and runtime error checking .


  18. The second chapter is about the specific techniques of white-box testing , black-box testing , and several other methods that can be applied at different levels .


  19. In this paper we concluded and summarized the methods of software testing , and detailedly introduced dynamic testing , static testing , black-box testing and white-box testing .


  20. Basic black-box testing and white-box testing are successfully carried out . In white-box testing , the statement coverage and branch coverage are achieved ;


  21. The C + + port was created by Michael Feathers and constitutes a variety of classes that help both white-box testing and creating your own regression suite .


  22. Besides , the test is not thorough and adequate because the great amount of testing condition by the present test strategies , no matter the Black-box testing or the White-box testing .


  23. In step with the testing model , the Object-oriented software C C system has an effective testing along the inherent clues of the system , using synthetically of both White-box testing and Black-box testing .


  24. In the framework for unit testing , as the main element in dynamic white-box testing , this thesis designs another unit testing framework with independent test case and test code , and makes the test more efficient .


  25. Because the particularity of the control flows and the data flows , they are rarely covered in the white-box testing , which makes the error in the exception handling code hardly exclude .


  26. With embedded software testing development , in areas that require high reliability , the requirements on white-box testing are higher and higher . Research of embedded software white-box testing technology has become a hotspot in IT field .


  27. This thesis is set focus on the white-box testing method in the software testing and the problems in the current white-box testing is analysed such as huge testing data , uncompleted testing , and low efficiency .


  28. The tool consists of white-box testing and Black-box testing . In Black-box testing , AHP algorithm is used to prioritize the object of the test , and at the same time , detect vulnerabilities pages .


  29. White-box testing and black-box testing are two major types of software testing . In this paper , we discuss how to use tools in the two testing to improve software testing automation in detail , and give an example of software testing .


  30. Now some white-box testing tools for embedded software testing have emerged , but the prices are generally more expensive . Using specification documents to take black-box testing is hardly to ensure the rationality of the structural design of embedded software .
